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Dirt Derby Spring Series

As a thanks to our riders and sponsors for sticking with us through a wet fall series, Central Texas Grassroots Cycling is mixing up the Dirt Derby in a special spring-time flavor we lovingly call Spring 2010 Anaerobic Annihilation!

It’s race season, you’re trying to get in top form for the weekend, and we’re here to help. Here are the key changes from our Dirt Derby series in the fall:
-First race is Tuesday, March 2nd. The series will last six weeks; more if we decide we’re having too much fun.
-There will be two classes, A and B, with the B class racing for 40 minutes and the A class racing for 60 minutes. One race will cost $10, or $15 for both. B race will start at 6.30, A race at 7.30 and registration will open at 6.00.
-There won’t be a cyclocross specific course with barriers and run-ups, but people can ride on cross bikes and suffer just as much as everyone else.
-Races will be scored, but there won’t be any series totals or series prizes. Nightly prizes will consist of free entries and schwag.
-One lucky winner will get a Surly bike frame from The Peddler Bike Shop at our end of season party.

You can show up to race, you can show up to train, you can show up to abuse your friends mentally while the course works on them physically, we support it all. Anaerobic Annihilation is here to be sure that each Tuesday you have plenty of time to spend on your bike with your eyes popping out of your head.

Similar to the fall though, a weary eye will be kept on the weather, and our well-tuned machine will get word out if things need to be called off. We’re hoping for a less rainy spring.

Keep an eye on for the latest info and updates.

Get annihilated,
Central Texas Grassroots Cycling

True Fabrication and Violet Crown Cycles are building new frames for two lucky Dirt Derby Riders.

Luke Yantis wins a new True Fabrication Mountain Bike frame.

Bill Maroon wins a new Cyclocross frame from Violet Crown Cycles.

Luke and Bill will get to interact with True Fabrication and Violet Crown to measure their fit for a new custom frame. Then after weeks of anticipation will then be rewarded with a new frame.

Sometime in your biking life you should pony up for a custom frame or two. This is the only way to get a bike that fits you perfectly. Most production bikes are fine but there are compromises that sometimes can create handling, comfort, and or weight distribution issues. A custom frame from True Fabrication or Violet Crown Cycles could be just what you are looking for. Thank them for their sponsorship if you get a chance. The Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby is very gracious for their 2010 support.

End of Season Party

Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby presents: an end of season party!

We’d like to informally invite you to the Dirt Derby end of season party this Tuesday the 5th. Party starts at 6.30, with some socializing, some free Hat Creek Burgers, some beer and roller races on the side. Season awards at 7.00 with track stand competitions and slow races to follow. Frames will be raffled away from True Fabrication and Violet Crown Bicycles, and we’ll be giving away some hats from F3 Designs, who will also be there showing their wares. In addition, Hammerhead Bikes will also have exciting news regarding Redline Bicycles.

It all goes down right next to the guys at Hammerhead Bicycles, 6706 Burnet rd. We encourage you to cycle there, it frees up parking and allows you to show off those trackstand skills.

We’re friend-friendly so bring some buddies.

Also, thanks to our sponsors for making this year happen:Hammerhead Bicycles and True Fabrication, Austin on Two Wheels and Violet Crown Cycles, The Peddlar Bike Shop, F3 Designs, and Tom Mahnke Realty.

See you there,

-Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby presented by True Fabrication

December 8th Derby Cancelled

Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but the weekend wetness and today’s foggy drizzle have left the track unrideable yet again. There’s no Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby this week, so use the time to go get some Swiftwick stockings to hang by the chimney. While you’re at it, ask Santa for an early Christmas gift – a dry track for next week!

-Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby presented by True Fabrication

The forecast calls for mud — Dec 1st

Unfortunately, December 1st, is rained out.

The good news though, is that we’re planning an end of the year/beginning of the year party for Tuesday, January 5th. Awards will be awarded, prizes will be given away, and a fun time is liable to be had by all. More details soon.  The party location is guaranteed to be rain-proof so mark your calendar and put on your party hat!  Grab your swiftwick socks (our latest and most seasonal sponsor) and stay warm!

Nov 24th Derby Cancelled

After an excellent last week(perfect storm of computer issues aside), mother nature decided to wring her cosmic wet bathtowel over the track once again, with it getting around 2 inches of rain Friday/Saturday. Sadly, we must call this Derby off, but we hope to see ya’ll out there next week as we welcome in December.

Here’s hoping the weather be as dry as white meat from the turkey, hold the gravy

-Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby Featuring True Fabrication

Nov. 17 Results Posted

The Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby featuring True Fabrication was on again this week. It was a fittingly chilly night to the start of Swiftwick Holiday Series, with Bicycle Sport Shop there demoing  Edge Composite wheels and grilling up a good time.

Unfortunately we weren’t able to get results out at the track, but they’re up under the results tab. Come out again next week for more Swiftwick schwag on sale and we’ll be giving away some as well.

-Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby featuring True Fabrication.

Get Your Race On – Sexy Wheels and Woolly Wonders

Oh yes, we’re racing, November 17th!   Thank you Sunshine for letting us present the Swiftwick Holiday Series and Edge Composites/Bicycle Sport Shop Wheel Demo at the Hammerhead Dirt Derby.

Join Bicycle Sport Shop at the Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby from 5pm to 9pm Tuesday, November 17th.  They will be on site with demo wheels from Edge Composites, Real Ale beer and some grilled deliciousness.  Don’t miss this opportunity to ride the best wheels on the planet.

Tonight is also the beginning of the Swiftwick Holiday Series at the Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby.  From now until our final week on December 15, Swiftwick is coming on board to bring you the finest merino wool and olefin-blend socks and armwarmers out there.  We’ll be giving away Swiftwick schwag each night to racers, and have items for you to purchase as well.  If you’re not a sock snob yet, then you haven’t tried Swiftwick!

Thanksgiving is only a week away, and Swiftwick socks and armwarmers make outstanding gifts for the cyclists and non-cyclists alike on your holiday list.  Stay tuned for more information over the next few weeks on sweet Swiftwick deals available in-store at Hammerhead Bicycles during the Swiftwick Holiday Series.