All posts by admin

December 8th Derby Cancelled

Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but the weekend wetness and today’s foggy drizzle have left the track unrideable yet again. There’s no Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby this week, so use the time to go get some Swiftwick stockings to hang by the chimney. While you’re at it, ask Santa for an early Christmas gift – a dry track for next week!

-Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby presented by True Fabrication

The forecast calls for mud — Dec 1st

Unfortunately, December 1st, is rained out.

The good news though, is that we’re planning an end of the year/beginning of the year party for Tuesday, January 5th. Awards will be awarded, prizes will be given away, and a fun time is liable to be had by all. More details soon.  The party location is guaranteed to be rain-proof so mark your calendar and put on your party hat!  Grab your swiftwick socks (our latest and most seasonal sponsor) and stay warm!

Nov 24th Derby Cancelled

After an excellent last week(perfect storm of computer issues aside), mother nature decided to wring her cosmic wet bathtowel over the track once again, with it getting around 2 inches of rain Friday/Saturday. Sadly, we must call this Derby off, but we hope to see ya’ll out there next week as we welcome in December.

Here’s hoping the weather be as dry as white meat from the turkey, hold the gravy

-Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby Featuring True Fabrication

Nov. 17 Results Posted

The Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby featuring True Fabrication was on again this week. It was a fittingly chilly night to the start of Swiftwick Holiday Series, with Bicycle Sport Shop there demoing  Edge Composite wheels and grilling up a good time.

Unfortunately we weren’t able to get results out at the track, but they’re up under the results tab. Come out again next week for more Swiftwick schwag on sale and we’ll be giving away some as well.

-Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby featuring True Fabrication.

Get Your Race On – Sexy Wheels and Woolly Wonders

Oh yes, we’re racing, November 17th!   Thank you Sunshine for letting us present the Swiftwick Holiday Series and Edge Composites/Bicycle Sport Shop Wheel Demo at the Hammerhead Dirt Derby.

Join Bicycle Sport Shop at the Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby from 5pm to 9pm Tuesday, November 17th.  They will be on site with demo wheels from Edge Composites, Real Ale beer and some grilled deliciousness.  Don’t miss this opportunity to ride the best wheels on the planet.

Tonight is also the beginning of the Swiftwick Holiday Series at the Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby.  From now until our final week on December 15, Swiftwick is coming on board to bring you the finest merino wool and olefin-blend socks and armwarmers out there.  We’ll be giving away Swiftwick schwag each night to racers, and have items for you to purchase as well.  If you’re not a sock snob yet, then you haven’t tried Swiftwick!

Thanksgiving is only a week away, and Swiftwick socks and armwarmers make outstanding gifts for the cyclists and non-cyclists alike on your holiday list.  Stay tuned for more information over the next few weeks on sweet Swiftwick deals available in-store at Hammerhead Bicycles during the Swiftwick Holiday Series.

Nov 3 Results Posted

Results from the November 3rd Derby have been posted.

It was our second largest evening to date, so thanks to everyone for braving the end of daylight savings time to come out and see us. It got a bit cold there at the end just to remind you that it is actually fall here. Might want to start dusting off the old arm warmers.

See you next week

-Hammerhead Bicycles Dirt Derby presented by True Fabrication.